Sunday Morning Bible Study
(a.k.a. Sunday School)
9:45 am
We offer Sunday morning Bible Study options for people of all ages. We have the following classes available:
- Nursery (infant - pre-school)
- PK - 3rd Grade
- 4th - 5th Grade
- Youth (6th - 12th Grade)
- Adult
- Women
- Men
Corporate Worship & Children's Church
11:00 am
Sunday mornings we gather together for a time of corporate worship through singing, scripture reading, and preaching from the Bible. The children (those in grades PK - 5th) are dismissed about halfway through the service to attend Children's Church, where they have their own time of singing songs of worship and learning a lesson from the Bible.
6:00 pm
Each week, we meet together for a time of fellowship, prayer requests, and scripture reading. We then spend time individually in prayer over the needs we've mentioned and those on our hearts. We believe prayer is powerful and is the foundation of a strong relationship with Jesus Christ.